{% extends '@WebProfiler/Profiler/layout.html.twig' %} {% block toolbar %} {% if collector.violationsCount > 0 or collector.calls|length %} {% set status_color = collector.violationsCount ? 'red' : '' %} {% set icon %} {{ include('@WebProfiler/Icon/validator.svg') }} {{ collector.violationsCount ?: collector.calls|length }} {% endset %} {% set text %}
Validator calls {{ collector.calls|length }}
Number of violations {{ collector.violationsCount }}
{% endset %} {{ include('@WebProfiler/Profiler/toolbar_item.html.twig', { link: profiler_url, status: status_color }) }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block menu %} {{ include('@WebProfiler/Icon/validator.svg') }} Validator {% if collector.violationsCount > 0 %} {{ collector.violationsCount }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block panel %}

Validator calls

{% for call in collector.calls %}
In {% set caller = call.caller %} {% if caller.line %} {% set link = caller.file|file_link(caller.line) %} {% if link %} {{ caller.name }} {% else %} {{ caller.name }} {% endif %} {% else %} {{ caller.name }} {% endif %} line {{ caller.line }} (context): {% if call.violations|length %} {% for violation in call.violations %} {% endfor %}
Path Message Invalid value Violation
{{ violation.propertyPath }} {{ violation.message }} {{ profiler_dump(violation.seek('invalidValue')) }} {{ profiler_dump(violation) }}
{% else %} No violations {% endif %}
{% else %}

No calls to the validator were collected during this request.

{% endfor %} {% endblock %}